I’ve had this song verse stuck in my head for weeks. One of those lines that’s been rolling around my head because something in it spoke to my heart. The song is “Fix Your Eyes” by For King and Country – my current favorite song.
“It takes a soldier who knows his orders to walk the walk I’m supposed to walk.”
I used to think it was enough just to believe in God and live a good life. The Bible was a guidebook on how to live the way God wanted – to love and serve others. Never thought about being so surrendered to God that I’d focus my life on following God’s orders.
Yet that’s what God wants from us…
He wants us to be closer to Him, to truly surrender our lives and follow Him. When we look to Him for that guidance, He can do SO much more with our lives than when we try to do it on our own.
I’m learning that to truly follow God and live into His better future for my life, I need His direction on which path to take and His help to stay on that path.
I recall sitting in a discussion about discerning God’s call in our lives. The speaker described the discernment process as feeling your way through dimly lit room and searching for the next step to be illuminated, trusting and hoping you stepped in the right direction.
At the time, I felt I was in a pitch black room. I didn’t know which way to turn, what path God wanted me to take. Wasn’t really sure how this process was supposed to work.
So, I prayed. Prayed that I was going to take the next step I found and just trust that if I stepped in the wrong direction God was big enough to guide me back. Then I began to take itty bitty baby steps forward, trying to see the path, trying to find even the dim light.
As I took more steps into the discernment process, the most amazing thing happened – the path began to light up. Not the brightly lit yellow brick road leading me to some clear destination (wouldn’t that be great!), but rather one stepping stone at a time bathed in the dim light. Just enough light to see where I should step next, but still shrouding the full path in darkness.
I’m just a foot soldier in God’s army. Not ready or equipped to handle the big picture. My rank doesn’t get to see the full battle plan. Better to let it unfold one step at a time, each step coming when I’m ready.
My job – our job – is to be faithful to the path before us. To ask God for that guidance to show us the path, show us the next step and then follow it. Some of the steps may not make much sense at the time, but we have to trust that He has the big picture. Not every order makes sense to the soldier, but he follows in trust that someone has that big picture and his individual role is vital to the success of the whole. The same holds true for us. Trust that each step we take obedience is vital to God’s bigger plans.
Sometimes it’s hard to walk this path of faith. There are much easier paths we could choose. I’ve found, though, that taking the time to discern next steps through prayer and taking the steps I believe are aligned with God’s plan for my life keep me focused. Once I have these prayerfully-considered orders, I have more resolve to stick with them.
Walk the walk I’m supposed to walk, following God’s orders for my life.
Check out the song, “Fix My Eyes” by For King and Country, here –
Madelain says
So True!!
Loved: ‘My job – our job – is to be faithful to the path before us. To ask God for that guidance to show us the path, show us the next step and then follow it. Some of the steps may not make much sense at the time, but we have to trust that He has the big picture. Not every order makes sense to the soldier, but he follows in trust that someone has that big picture and his individual role is vital to the success of the whole. The same holds true for us. Trust that each step we take obedience is vital to God’s bigger plans.’
Obedience is what God calls us into, taking steps in faith even when we don’t see the whole staircase-(Martin Luther King Jr) Blessings xos
Kathryn Shirey says
LOVE that quote! Posting that in my office now. Thanks!!
Julie Lefebure says
Great post, Kathryn! “Walk the walk I’m supposed to walk, following God’s orders for my life.” Amen, sister! God always seems to speak to me through your writing, and today He did it again. Thank you for sharing it. Hugs to you today!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Julie! Or, maybe in your case it’s been “ride the ride you’re supposed to ride”! Loved reading about your bike ride adventure last week. Glad these words spoke to you!
Holly Barrett says
Yes, it’s a hard job sometimes but the walking in God’s presence makes it all worth it! Thanks for linking up to Testimony Tuesday!
Linda@Creekside says
So true, Kathryn. And to know that discernment is a pathway, sometimes long and winding and not necessarily easy to follow. And still we choose to follow, listening closely to His still small voice.
Thanks for taking us there …
Somer says
great truths here. you are so right that so many times we are in the dark trying to quickly get out to the next step. something that i have read awhile ago and really believe is that we do not have to worry so much about the path to go on and the next decision when we are walking with God…those choices will be a natural outflow from our time spent with Him in fellowship…i think many time i get lost in figuring out the next choice, the next step, the next leg of the journey instead of enjoying Him at this bend in the road…that time now, leads to sure footedness later. thanks for this devotional
Kathryn says
you’re right – the decision-making process does get easier when we just trust the path God has us on, instead of worrying about figuring it all out on our own. I don’t worry anymore about where I’ll be in 5 years, what my career will look like – although I’d love to know the answers 🙂 Just trying to be faithful to this step today – and be ready for the next step to present itself. Thanks for stopping by!
Kelley says
Love that song too! Thank you for the reminder to take a step and then, take a step. I am so inspired by your faithful obedience!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Kelley! Definitely learning that the journey is made up of a million little steps. Just keep stepping one at a time, taking those small risks of obedience, and then see where the journey take you.
sarahgirl3 says
I had to keep rereading the line “so surrendered to God that I’d focus my life on following God’s orders.” This post spoke to me as I have been there and felt so lost and in the dark. Thank you for the image you put in my head to remember! Onward Christian Soldier!
Kathryn says
Glad this spoke to you! I’ve never been very good at taking orders or direction – but this image has helped me stay focused on the path to follow God. I’ve definitely been brought to my knees on more than one occasion as I’ve learned to accept and follow God’s orders. Marching with you!
holleygerth says
Glad to be walking this path with you, Kathryn!
Kathryn says
Thanks for your encouragement and for stopping by, Holley! This online community of encouragers is so wonderful as we journey together.
Tara says
God always speaks to me through your writing. Thanks for the encouragement.
Kathryn says
Tara – thanks for your encouragement! Praying for whatever path God is sending you on!