And now for something a little different… Today, I get to share a little about me and also introduce you to some wonderful friends and writers. I hope you’ll take some time to visit these wonderful women and be as inspired by their writing as I am!
I said ‘yes’ to this blog hop when Wanda (from The Watered Soul) invited me because the questions intrigued me. I thought these were great questions to answer for myself – to actually define for myself why I write. Plus, what better way to share a little more about me with you!
Wanda holds a special place in my heart. Besides being a fabulous writer (please check out her blog!), hers was the first comment I received on this blog other than some close friends who I’d practically begged to read those early posts. What a feeling to have a visit from someone outside my circles! Thanks, Wanda, for your encouragement and inviting me to this blog hop! Check out her blog hop post, too!
So, now to share a little about me…
1. What am I writing or working on?
I’m trying to get back to a more regular writing and blogging pattern after summer and sick kids have derailed me a bit. I’m planning to kick off a new series on the blog soon, so stay tuned for more details… I would love to write a book and have one in draft, but God has me focused in other areas right now. Maybe I’ll start to share some pieces of the book on the blog one of these days…
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I don’t know that my writing is so different from others, but I try to write from my heart to share my experiences from this journey of faith. I’m a fellow traveler who wants to encourage others in their own journeys. Growing my faith has been so transformative in my life that I want everyone to experience this God whose become so real and so powerful in my life. I share the struggles, the successes and the things I’m learning along the way.
3. Why do I write what I write?
I write because the words come and I can’t help but write them. I entered into a journey with God several years ago and am committed to follow where He takes me. In this calling, He’s taking me through a journey of steps to grow me into who He wants me to be. I really have no idea where He’s calling me, but I’m trying to be faithful to each step as it becomes visible. The step I’m on now is writing and sharing my story. Sharing what I’m learning about living a deeper faith, the process of discerning God’s call in my life, and the challenge to live into that call daily. I’ve found such joy, confidence and deepening faith since starting this blog!
4. How does your writing process work?
I work full time and am a mother to two young children, so my writing is usually relegated to some very small margins of my life – early mornings and late nights. I try to write as I’m inspired, try to catch the words that swirl through my mind before they fly away. What I really loved with the writing process was when I did the Holy Spirit series leading up to Pentecost. I loved mapping out the series and all the pieces, then writing to meet a publishing schedule (I am very motivated by deadlines). I’m excited to start preparing the next series because that was the most fun I’ve had yet with writing!
Now I’d like to introduce to two special bloggers whose writing I LOVE! They also happen to be friends in real-life.
Lindsey @ Lindsey Loving Life
Lindsey is my beautiful friend from church and the one who really inspired me to start this blog. Not sure I even knew what a blog was until she started hers and I fell in love with her writing. What I love most is how real and vulnerable she is – and also her humor! Please give her site a visit! She’s a fellow journeyer who shares from the heart about her quest to see life through eyes of love.
[callout]I’m Lindsey and I have come to love sharing my story through my little blog,
You will see that I am pretty much a total mess, but I’m learning that’s okay.
I am married to a wonderful man and we are expecting our first miracle daughter in just a few short weeks…oh, and did I mention I’m also a recovering anorexic, perfectionist with a “stress disorder!”
My new life is under construction, and I am on a journey every day to see the blessings through all of the craziness!
If my blog has any purpose, it is that my story, bought with the currency of hard lessons learned, will somehow be weaved into yours. That you will see that if this girl found grace…so can you! With God, we can do this!
So, I hope that you’ll join me on this journey to learn to see our lives through the eyes of love.
Allison @ Imperfect Allie
Allison and I were sorority sisters in college. She’s started this fabulous lifestyle blog that you have to check out! I love her spunk and humor, but especially her great style tips (even though I’m not very stylish myself). She’s doing a series now on how to purge your closet and it’s great advice. Think I may tackle mine this weekend…
[callout]Allison Bussone pens the lifestyle blog where she shares inspiration for accessible style.
She embraces imperfection and creates a place that encourages style in a way that is do-able, comfortable, approachable and affordable.
Allison lives near Nashville with her family, where she never tires of spotting deer and turkeys on her daily commute.
She loves hearing from readers that rocked a skirt they would have never tried, made a fun new scarf from her tutorial, or loved a cupcake recipe.
You can reach her at [email protected], or follow her on Instagram for awkward outfit selfies and more. [/callout]
[callout class=”callout”]SUBSCRIBE TODAY to receive your FREE copy of my new eBook “Surrender Your Heart”, a 21-day devotional to help you draw nearer to the Holy Spirit!
Sharing with: Essential Fridays, The Friday Five, Recommendation Saturday, The Weekend Brew
Imperfect Allie says
Thanks for the intro, Kathryn! I love the answers to your questions and I’m just generally inspired by your ability to write openly and honestly and follow God’s calling for you.
Wanda W. says
Kathryn, it was great learning more about you and that we both have this need to capture the thoughts swirling around in our minds 🙂 I think you are a wonderful writer. I look forward to checking out your blogging friends. I so need to purge my closets and shelves.
Heather Mertens @ 40YearWanderer says
We meet through The Weekend Brew!
My blog hop post comes out today, so it was great to read another! Keep writing for The Lord, Sister. He will guide you. And yes, you should share pieces of your book. 🙂
Blessings to you,
Kathryn says
Thanks for the encouragement! These blog hop posts have been fun to get to know the other writers better – look forward to reading yours!
Holly Barrett says
Thanks for sharing in the blog hop! It’s been so fun to see where the hop has traveled. Loved reading about your writing journey and your writing friends.
Kathryn says
Thanks, Holly! It was good to think about these questions and put the answers in writing.
inspiredbyjune says
Nice to meet you, Kathryn! I participated in the “hop” back in June, so it was fun to find you through the Weekend Brew and see that it is still going on! I see a couple of books on your sidebar that I need to check out 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!
Kathryn says
I highly recommend each of those books – all are wonderful! Thanks for stopping by – was fun to participate in the hop! 🙂
Barbie says
So wonderful to get to know you more! I just realized I wasn’t following you anywhere! Shame on me. But I am now. I also work full time and understand the constraints that often puts on writing. Your words are beautiful! Keep writing!
Kathryn says
yes – working two ‘jobs’ is tough, especially when the one I have the least time for is the one I love the most! Thanks for your support and encouragement!
Carol Longenecker Hiestand says
“catch the words that swirl through my mind before they fly away.” Love this. Even during a couple minutes of silence that mark the beginning of our gathering on a Sunday morning at church, I grab a pen and write what God brings to me through the silence. enjoyed reading this. visiting from Weekend Brew.
Kathryn says
oh, for those few precious minutes of silence! Unfortunately, mine are usually while I’m driving or putting children to bed, so not conducive to writing – but I have been known to pull over so I could capture some thoughts on paper 🙂
Tania Vaughan says
I was so excited to see your post on the Weekend Brew, I also did the ‘Why I write’ blog hop so it was great to read another. Reading it certainly does give an insight to you, your passion and motivation. Thank you for sharing xx
Kathryn says
Glad you stopped by, Tania! This blog hop has been a great way to get to know other writers a little better.
Renee @Doorkeeper says
Hi, Kathryn! I’m visiting from the Weekend Brew & have enjoyed getting to know you & your bloggy friends a bit. I agree that writing has grown my faith. Blogging makes me dig deep to examine how God is working & find ways to express it. Thanks for sharing! Blessings!
Kathryn says
Thanks for visiting, Renee! Blogging has been a great way to process this life of faith and find ways to live it better. Definitely makes me more observant about God’s work around me as I search for writing inspiration 🙂