Have you ever asked a question you immediately regretted? You know, the kind that comes with an answer you weren’t quite prepared to handle? The kind of answer that would require a lot from you? My prayer that summer was much like this. I had two babies and was working long, stressful hours at my job, but I wanted more. I prayed that summer asking God’s guidance on where to plug in at church or in the community. Where should I serve (meaning what committee should I join or where should I do a little volunteer work)? God answered those prayers, but not in the way I expected. Not in an easy, go-sign-up-for-that-committee kind of way. Instead, He said, “Come, follow me. It’s time to work for me.”
Part of me wanted to say, “No way, God. Not now. Haven’t you noticed that I have two kids under two, a demanding job, and piles of bills to pay? What are you thinking?!”
Instead, I whispered, “Yes, show me the way.”
It’s been quite a journey and one that continues to unfold. In hindsight, that first “yes” was the easy part. I agreed in blind faith, not knowing the full cost of such discipleship and without any idea where this journey would lead me. The hard part has been continuing to say “yes” to each next step. It’s been numerous boxing matches with fear and doubt, fighting back all the reasons I want to say “no” and struggling to stay in the “yes”. But, let me tell you that each “yes” has been so worth it and I’m beginning to see how they’re leading me toward this bigger plan God has for my life.
Overcoming your objections to saying “yes”
Maybe, like me, you’re feeling Jesus whisper “follow me,” but you are fighting all the reasons you should say “no”. Fear and doubt are powerful enemies, but God is bigger. How can we push past the insecurities that beg us to say “no” and instead press into our faith to say “yes”? Let’s look at some of the objections we often have to giving God our “yes” and how we can overcome them.
Susie Eller has a new book out called “Come With Me” about this very topic of saying “yes” to where God is leading. As I read it recently, my first thought was, “Where was this book 5 years ago when I was just setting out on this journey? I could have used this encouragement in those early years of learning to say ‘yes’”. The truth is I still need this encouragement to stay in the “yes” and trust where God is leading. I think I underlined and highlighted half the book and I’ll be sharing some quotes with you here. I did receive a free copy of the book as part of her launch team, but I absolutely loved it and encourage you to read it, too! {these are affiliate links, so you’ll be helping sustain this blog if you purchase through them}
What if my faith isn’t deep enough for this?
God called me in the infancy of my faith. Sure, I was a grown mother-of-two, but my faith was still so young. Many days, I questioned how I would face the next step. How was I supposed to lead a team of women much further along the faith journey than me? These women were prayer warriors and leaders in their own right. I had to face questions on why was I taking these steps and had to learn to talk about my faith. I learned to lean into my faith to battle the doubts and insecurities; had to grow deeper roots to push past the failures and missteps.
The truth is that your faith won’t really grow until you begin to stretch it. We develop real faith when we test it and learn to rely on it alone. We have to step beyond our own capabilities and into the places where only God is capable to truly find our faith. It’s in the saying “yes” and following Jesus that our faith grows enough.
Dig deeper when you feel doubt begin to creep in. Pray often and stay rooted in scripture. Listen for God’s words through prayer and through your Bible.
“When I refuse to go deeper, my faith lingers in the shallow.” (Suzie Eller, Come With Me, chapter 1)
Am I sure I want to leave this behind?
We can’t do it all – even though we so often try. So, when Jesus asks us to follow him, it usually means giving something up. The disciples couldn’t keep their day jobs and follow Jesus. They had to give up something. We don’t all have to quit our jobs, but we probably will have to give up something in order to give Jesus our time and focus. Maybe that’s giving up some TV or internet time. Maybe it’s giving up bad habits. Maybe it’s saying “no” to something you like to do, even something good, so that you have the time and energy to say “yes” to something better.
Following Jesus isn’t about what we leave behind, but what we’re walking towards. Where is he leading you? Focus on the destination. Step into where God leads facing forward, not focused on the rearview mirror.
“Where we go is not nearly as important as who we go with.” (Suzie Eller, Come With Me, chapter 2)
What if I’m not enough to do this thing God’s asked me to do?
For me, this is the one I battle most. This is where the enemy whispers lies into my heart. I don’t have the right experience, skills, contacts, etc… I’m just not enough for this wild, crazy thing God’s calling me to do. I hear that on the big things and the small things alike.
The secret is that God uses our ‘not enough.’ It’s when we lean in and trust Him to equip us, He turns that ‘not enough’ into ‘more than enough.’ I’ve come to acknowledge that I’m not enough. I never will be enough for where God’s leading me. But, He is enough and He is big enough to equip me for whatever task he lays before me. This is where my faith has grown the most through this journey.
“Our not enough becomes more than enough when we give it to God.” (Suzie Eller, Come With Me, chapter 6)
So, will you say “yes” and push past all the reasons you want to say “no”? Step out into the deep with Jesus and find that place where faith comes to life. Face these fears and doubts and ask God to pull you through, showing you the joy in becoming who He made us to be.
[This post is part of the Visible Faith series. Click here to learn more about this series on how to live a vibrant, visible faith.]
blog8628 says
This. Is. Fantastic. All of it! xo, liz
Kathryn says
Thank you, Liz!! Suzie’s book is fantastic!
Tiffany Parry says
I relate to so much of this post, Kathryn. Especially those boxing matches with fear and doubt. But God … He proves so faithful and often, I think walking with Him is the only thing that gives us the strength to lace up those gloves every day and keep saying yes. To just press on, lean in, and believe that He will do what He has promised and He never lets us down. So glad to visit today from #testimonytuesday.
mbethany says
This title alone was enough to make me want to stay away. But I read it anyway- so glad I did. I (really, really) need to learn to do this. Definitely some things I’m objecting to that God might be calling me to. Oh, that my heart would learn submission!!
shannongeurin says
Hi Kathryn!!! Such a great review of our beautiful friend’s book! Just wanted to drop by and say HI! xoxo
Jill says
This has been my life the last 10 years! Loved the review of sweet Suzie’s book, starting it tonight! Thanks for sharing your heart and Suzie’s book!
pkstew2 says
Kathryn, love you sharing the words that moved you in #comewithme. Thank you for all your support!
Beth Willis Miller says
Kathryn, I LOVED your video…what a beautiful setting (is that your backyard?) Your challenge is such a good one…to say Yes! to our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and be ready to splash in the rain puddles with Him…He never leaves us or forsakes us…Amen! Many blessing to you!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Beth! That is my backyard (the one sliver not full of sports equipment – ha!) A couple weeks ago I went on a retreat with Suzie Eller and heard her talk about her new book, Come With Me. This was the message that really convicted me. I realized how I continually question and step reluctantly into where God’s calling me, yet I call it obedience and pat my self on the back for saying ‘yes’. Instead, God wants us to find joy in that obedience and readily, happily, joyfully accept his call. Has totally changed my perspective!
Mindy White says
I fight against fear and doubt and the feeling that I am not enough. I am clinging to the words little is much when God is in it and learning to say yes to God in spite of what I feel. Encouraging post, enjoyed it!
rjbritton says
When Jesus asks us to follow him, it usually means giving something up – I’ve discovered that the thing I have to give up is a ministry. Then I can follow Jesus.
Christa says
“The truth is that your faith won’t really grow until you begin to stretch it.” So true! We so often say we want to grow in our faith, but then won’t take any risks that would allow us to trust God more, to depend on Him more,
Lisa Woodworth says
I have just spent a few minutes and your blog and already I feel that you have been a instrument of vision and clarity, a woman of God that can bring His Word to my heart. Thank you so much for your courage and time. I will be visiting again.
Kathryn says
Lisa – I’m so glad God spoke to you through these words! Prayers for you and hope you’ll be back to visit!