Does your dream have a name? Have you given words and definition to your dream and then spoken them aloud to someone else? Sometimes our dreams are so precious and fragile as they’re forming in our hearts we can’t bear to put words to them for fear that simple act will cause the bubble to burst. Other times, we’ve given words to our dreams, but the idea seems so far beyond us we can’t bring ourselves to fully define what achieving that dream looks like. Still harder is to share that dream with someone else.
If you’re going to reach your dreams, you must form them into words and launch them into the world.
Three reasons you need to share your dreams:
1) To clarify the dream for yourself
Before you can share your dream with anyone else, you need to clarify it and define it for yourself. The dream that began as a nebulous wisp of an idea needs to be formed into something tangible. Not necessarily something that feels achievable, because dreams, by nature, are something beyond your current capabilities. Wrestle with that dream and give it a form you can name and describe.
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” ~Christopher Reeve
2) To hold yourself accountable
Sharing your dreams with someone close and trusted helps hold you accountable to pursuing the dream. If the dream only exists in your own mind, you have no timetable to achieve it, nor anyone to hold you accountable to taking steps toward it. Dreaming is easy. Achieving the dream takes hard work and determination.
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” ~Yoko Ono
3) To allow others to help
You have people in your life God has positioned to help you achieve your dreams, but you need to take the first step. They’re ready to help with prayers, support, and resources, but need to know what kind of dream you’re pursuing. You’ll never know who may be waiting to help you until you speak the dream out loud.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” ~Henry David Thoreau
An exciting announcement…
In the spirit of this post, I’ll share my dream with you. For the past two years, I’ve been nurturing this fragile wisp of a dream, but haven’t been able to fully form it into words. It seemed too far beyond achievable, almost too silly to consider. Yet, I haven’t been able shake it off. So, here goes my attempt to name it and launch it into the world…
My dream has been to write and to make sharing words of faith encouragement a significant part of my life and career. Writing this blog has been a great start to find my voice and work on the craft of writing, but my dream is to grow this beyond a mere hobby. So, as a big next step, I’m publishing a book!
I’m launching a series of “Pray Deep” guided prayer journals, based on the Pray Deep series here on the blog. The first books (yes, 2 for this initial launch, with more planned later!) will launch in the next few weeks. Keep watching for the BIG announcement and pre-sale!
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~Walt Disney
What is your dream? Have you given it a name and launched it into the world? Try today. However fragile, form it into words and share with at least one other person.
This post is part of the “Imagine God’s Possible” series. For more information or to read other posts in the series, click here: Dream the Impossible… Imagine God’s Possible
Tania Vaughan (@TaniaJVaughan) says
Congratulations on naming and pursuing your dream 🙂 It is those whisps that you cannot quite grasp a hold of that often keep pulling at me – You’re right until we put a name to it, it’s very hard to get a hold of it. Great encouraging post – may many dreams be launched through your words xx
Kathryn says
Thank you! I’ve been trying to grasp those wisps of a dream for the longest time and it’s really something to actually begin to see them take form. Just launched a pre-sale for the prayer journals and excited to see where God takes me next.
Vickie says
Kathryn, I love this! I’m sure God led me here. My son age 11 is learning about God and this prayer
Book and putting your goals and Dreams out there is perfect for him. For all of us !
Thank you!
Kathryn says
I’m so glad you found your way here! How wonderful for your son to be interested in learning more about God and prayer. Lots of resources here – hope they can help get him started! I’m working on a post with some resources to help your teen (or almost teen) engage in prayer – some material I used with my church’s youth group – so keep an eye out for that. Blessings to you both!
kathy wallace says
I think it is great you followed your dream. I have learned so much from your blog, I can’t wait to check out your book. Congrats!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Kathy! I’ve just launched a pre-sale for the journals – and hope to have them on Amazon, etc. later in September. Can’t wait to see where God’s taking me 🙂
joanneviola says
Kathryn, may God bless you as you pursue the dream He has placed in your heart! Exciting news!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Joanne! This has really been a giant step off the deep end 🙂 but I’m more energized than I’ve been in ages. Just launched a pre-sale – and hope to have the prayer journals on Amazon later in September.
Florence Achama says
Well done, that sounds like great work and great fun which of course is a great combo. As for the carity bit, the clarity comes in the doing but I loved your pointers all so true – your visions/dream directs your actions and look out what you’ve done to get there. Blessings from Achama @ Faith. Health. Potential.
Kathryn says
It’s funny that we always want the clarity and the map, yet we’re not usually ready for it. Love seeing how God works and how He brings us along the path. So excited to see what He does in this next season 🙂
Karen Brown says
This is a great list. And… congratulations on your book! I’ll be looking for “Pray Deep” to come out! Thanks for dreaming big and sharing it here 🙂
Kathryn says
Thanks, Karen! Just launched a pre-sale for “Pray Deep” (info on the blog) and hope to have it in Amazon, etc. later in September. Definitely stepping off the deep end into a big dream 🙂
BlessingCounterDeb says
Good for you Kathryn. I agree – sharing hopes and dreams makes them real and starts us moving in the direction their fulfillment. Each of your points is spot on. I think we need cheerleaders to keep us motivated. Sharing dreams helps the people close to us know where we need and want encouragement. Blessings!!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Deb! Definitely needed to hear this one myself as it’s hard for me to bring in others – too independent 🙂 But, it was in the sharing that I finally got motivated enough to take action. Just launched a pre-sale today for my prayer journals – and hope to have them on Amazon, etc. later in September.
dawnklinge says
This is exciting! I pray that God blesses this dream of yours and that your books reach just the right people who need to hear those words. I loved the analogy of dreams being like a fragile bubble that you don’t want to burst. I feel that way, too, about my own. I have a book in the works, that I’ve neglected all summer, that I’m anxious to get back to work on.
Kathryn says
Thanks, Dawn! For so long, my dreams have been so fleeting and fragile I couldn’t decipher what they really were. Love to finally see them taking some shape. Praying for you and your dreams – and your book 🙂 Just launched a pre-sale on the prayer journals and hope to have them on Amazon, etc. later in September.
Mary Geisen says
I am so excited for you and love hearing you take those steps forward to making the dream a reality. You are such an inspiration to me and you always are cheering me on. Thank you for being that encouragement for me. I hope you continue to reach those dreams. Blessed you shared this at Weekend Whispers.
Kathryn says
Thanks, Mary! You are such an inspiration and encouragement to me! I’m excited to see where God’s taking me in this crazy new venture. Feel like I jumped off into the deep end with both feet, but ready to move forward. Just launched a pre-sale today for the prayer journals – and hope to have them on Amazon, etc. later in September.
Melanie says
I couldn’t agree with you more Kathryn, great list! Putting words to our dreams can. also be so scary. Thanks for sharing yours with us and congratulations on the book! I’ll be keeping my eye out.
Kathryn says
Thanks, Melanie! Definitely a bit scary to admit to big dreams, but also exciting to see where God is leading you. The books should be out on Amazon soon – but I’m also taking pre-orders now on my site.