Rocking, rocking, rocking. Trying to get my baby boy to go to sleep. Enjoying the quiet darkness of his room, the steady comfort of the rocking, the sweet baby in my arms. I let my mind empty. Let go of all the to-dos and issues from the day. That’s when I hear the voice. The still, small voice which sounds so loud in my son’s quiet room.
“I’ve let you build your skills in your corporate job. Now it’s time to go to work for Me.”
Whoa! What does that even mean?
As I let the words sink in over the next days and weeks, I realized I needed more direction. I don’t think He meant for me to quit my job right now – and do what exactly??? So, I began to look for clues and pay closer attention to those guides and nudges.
I’ve always enjoyed a good mystery and love following along as the super sleuth tracks down the clues, putting the puzzle together one piece at a time. When you hear or sense a direction from the Holy Spirit, you can be pretty sure there are other clues around you to corroborate the instruction or provide additional details.
Tuning into the Holy Spirit tunes us in to clues of the bigger picture He’s orchestrating around us.
For example, just what were these skills He’s been letting me build? Well, I’m a project manager, so I lead teams and projects. So, that probably meant He intends for me to lead something. But, how would I get involved in a leadership role anytime soon? Don’t you have to work your way into a group, serve on a few committees first, then maybe be asked to take on a leadership role once you’ve proven yourself?
I had joined a life group a semester earlier. As I looked around the room one day soon after hearing this mysterious message, I became aware that this group was largely comprised of staff and other leaders within the church. Hmmm…. There’s that leadership clue again. Maybe I’m in this group for a reason? Maybe one of these women will play a role in this story?
We paired up to do a ‘life check’ – to go deeper on what’s going on in our lives and our faith. It’s not something we do every week, but this one must have been orchestrated by the Holy Spirit because I was paired up with a woman who had just taken over as our Women’s Ministry Director. As I shared a little with her about this call, she said “Ooh, I hope it has something to do with Women’s Ministry”. I quickly turned the conversation as that seemed the furthest thing from my comfort zone or qualifications. Or was that another clue, another piece to this puzzle?
The direction and guidance we receive from the Holy Spirit isn’t random. It doesn’t come out of left field. When we begin to pay attention, we begin to see the trail of clues – experiences, people, places – that have led to this point and will take us where He is leading.
While we may only see one clue at a time, the Holy Spirit has been laying the groundwork, preparing the way for this moment.
Let’s sleuth together and uncover the richness of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives! Finding those clues and connections is fun!
This post is part of a 4 week series about the Holy Spirit. Click HERE for other posts in this series.
This series will look at topics such as:
– Inviting the Holy Spirit to begin working within us
– How to listen for the Holy Spirit
– What it means to obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit
– How obedience is linked to trust
– How the Holy Spirit equips us, even when we don’t feel qualified
– What impact we can have in the world when we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit
Linking with Motivation Monday, Monday Musings, Unforced Rhythms, Titus 2sdays, Friday Five Fellowship
Linda@Creekside says
yes, yes, Kathryn … He pulls us toward Himself gently yet firmly, wooing His beloved little daughters to something far deeper than we can imagine.
Lisa notes... says
I like the way you think! Such truth here:
“The direction and guidance we receive from the Holy Spirit isn’t random. It doesn’t come out of left field. When we begin to pay attention, we begin to see the trail of clues – experiences, people, places – that have led to this point and will take us where He is leading.”
Doris S. Swift says
Great post Kathryn! I can totally relate to this, as I held management positions in the banking world for many years. After leaving that industry I can see how God equipped me through that career journey. Love this series you are doing on the Holy Spirit. Thank you for confirmation, as He has used you as a clue 🙂
Kathryn says
Got goosebumps reading your comment, Doris! Thanks!
kelli woodford says
I love how you are open to the Voice within and beyond all voices, Kathryn. Beautiful story of providence and communion.
Thanks for linking up with Unforced Rhythms.