Who’s taller? Who weighs more? Who had the better report card? Who’s winning the game? And on and on it goes in my house… My kids are constantly comparing themselves and trying to outdo each other. I’m forever telling them it’s not about being the tallest or the heaviest or the smartest or the best athlete. It’s about being exactly who God made you to be. But, that’s easier said than done, isn’t it?
Kids aren’t the only ones obsessed with comparisons and measurements. We carry it forward into adulthood, even encourage it as we enter the workplace. We’re continuously compared to our co-workers, measured against performance objectives, and striving to be better than the rest. We carry it into our relationships, comparing our achievements, our marital and family status, our parenting successes, and so much more. Social media has only intensified the measurements, adding in numbers of likes, shares and follows, and showcasing everyone’s best while minimizing the normal.
How are we supposed to measure up?
I remember my daughter’s first visit to the pediatrician. She was only days old and the doctor was doing all the basic measurements – length, weight, head circumference. Then he plugged all the numbers into the growth chart to see how she measured up to all other babies. 50th percentile for weight, 50th percentile for height, 50th percentile for head size. “Perfectly average,” he proclaimed to me. At the time, I bristled a bit at hearing the word “average.” I mean, who wants their new baby to be called average? I wanted her to be called outstanding, best in class. Average sounded just so… average.
As the years have passed, however, I’ve come to focus on the other word – “perfect.” She is indeed perfect – in my eyes and in God’s. Maybe by the world’s measuring stick she’s in the average range, but to God (and her family), she’s perfect. And so are you!
Are you struggling to measure up?
What is your measuring stick? To whom are you comparing yourself? Are you disappointed that you’re not meeting some target, some achievement level? Are you feeling less than, average, just so-so? Let me encourage you to claim “perfectly average.” You are perfect in God’s eyes, no matter where you think you measure up in the world. You can perfectly fulfill God’s plans for your life, when you listen to Him and follow where He leads. You can perfectly achieve anything God has in mind for you, when you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. You are perfectly loved by Jesus, no matter what the world says.
Need more support to let go of comparison?
My friend, Kristine Brown, has just released a new book called Over. It. Conquering Comparison to Live Out God’s Plan. She walks through the stories of three women in the Bible who struggled with comparison, just as most of do today. Through their stories, you’ll learn how to let go of comparison, accept your God-given uniqueness, and finally say “I’m over it” and really mean it.
Let’s stop measuring ourselves by the world’s measuring stick and start living into God’s plan. Let’s accept how perfect we are to Him and how well-equipped we are for the life He has planned for us. Let’s get Over. It. already and let go of comparison once and for all.
{I did receive a free copy of the book as part of the book launch team and these are affiliate links, but I know Kristine personally and her book is wonderful!}
About Kristine
Kristine is a writer, dramatist, and teacher. She helps women and teen girls navigate the ups and downs of real-life. Kristine devotes her time to family, freelance writing, and her non-profit ministry, More Than Yourself, Inc. You can read more from her at www.morethanyourself.com. Connect with Kristine on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.