The morning of his surgery had finally come. He’d been so brave at the doctor’s visit and listened carefully as we described the procedure. He had summoned up all his ‘tough guy’ spirit and seemed so nonchalant about the whole thing. Yet, this morning, as we headed out the door, he could no longer keep up the act.
It was hard enough to get him into the car that morning, but he absolutely refused to get out once we arrived at the surgery center. My almost five-year-old boy was suddenly scared about the unknowns of this surgery. He was just a baby when we had his ear tubes put in, so didn’t remember that we’d been here before. He knew he needed those tubes removed, yet still couldn’t bring himself to take that next step.
So, I stopped trying to coax him out of the car and instead asked if I could pray with him.
As I prayed, I said these words: “God is our super-hero. He’s bigger and stronger than anything we’ll face and He’ll get us through whatever comes.” Words that just came to me, but words that spoke to a little boy’s heart.
When I finished, he looked at me and said, “God is our hero over everything” and then bravely stepped out of the car and went in for his surgery. He didn’t show any fear or trepidation the rest of the morning.
God is our super-hero
I began to think how much I want this simple faith of a child, to believe so surely that God is my super-hero and step bravely into the world secure in that knowledge.
[callout]Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV)[/callout]
According to this verse in Isaiah, God is not just our super-hero, but He’ll share some of His super powers with us when we place our trust in Him.
God gives strength to the weary.
God makes the weak strong.
God restores those who stumble and fall.
When we place our hope and trust in God, we will run and not grow weary.
Is God the super-hero of your life?
Who is the hero of your story? Yourself? Your education or abilities? Your life’s circumstances, your family? Modern medicine, science, technology?
Or, are you giving the glory to God for the story of your life?
Modern medicine didn’t get Ryan through the morning. Sure, it was modern medicine and an excellent doctor who successfully removed his ear tubes. His life’s circumstances placed him in a country with this medical option and in a family who could afford it. He walked in the door on his own and calmly agreed to the surgery.
Yet, none of these were the hero of his story. Only God. My little boy placed his trust in God that morning and God helped him walk in that door and face the surgery. God enabled modern medicine to develop such techniques. God guided the doctor’s hand. God placed this boy here with us.
God is the super-hero of all our stories. How will you give Him the credit?
Who are you giving credit to for the good works in your life? In whom are you placing your hope and your trust?
[callout]Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. (Jeremiah 17:7 NRSV)[/callout]
Sharing with: Coffee for your Heart, Coffee and Conversation, #TellHisStory, Fellowship Friday, Friendship Friday, Saturday Soiree
Tiffany @ simplyforone says
Such a great post, Kathyrn. Especially the way you brought a big and mighty God down to the level your son could hold on to – what little boy can’t relate to super heroes?! And for that matter, we can too. To see Him not only as able and capable of handling our greatest trials – but also willing. Blessings!
Julie Lefebure says
Great truths, and two of my most favorite scriptures! What a great way to help your son experience who God is on his level. I’m so glad I stopped over today. Praying the surgery went well! Bless you, friend!
Kathryn says
Thanks for stopping by, Julie! I love the lessons I learn from my little guy – a deep soul for such a young boy. He did great in his surgery!
Gina Duke says
Loved how you stopped and prayed. In times like those it so much more natural for us to just react and make the best of a scary situation. What a great, godly mom you are! I wish I had been more like that with my girls when they were little. Your photo and title caught my attention at the Fellowship Friday linkup. ~gina
Kathryn says
My first reaction was to just make him get out of the car, but glad I listened to that nudge to pray instead. Thanks for stopping by!
Jenni DeWitt says
I have been wishing that there was a children’s series that revolved around God a superheroes. My boys would love it! The faith of a child is so inspiring, and your post brought me to tears. My son was afraid to go upstairs one day, and then I heard him whisper to himself, “I’m never alone, God is always with me.” With that, he ran upstairs without a problem. Reminded me of your story. Thanks for your post! Glad to be your neighbor on Friendship Fridays!
Kathryn says
In one of those cool God-coincidences, my kids’ Sunday school lesson yesterday was about God and super-hero. Couldn’t get the full gist of it from them, but they loved it – especially the boys. It would make a great children’s series to learn about all of God’s super-powers in the way kids can relate.
joanneviola says
Kathryn, a most beautiful post! Such an important lesson to be learned on how to teach our children to pray, to turn towards God & to believe He answers prayer. And for us as adults as well. Besides who of us could not relate to a need for a super-hero! So grateful to have been here this morning! Blessings!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Joanne! I love the heart of this little boy – he teaches me so much every day. Grateful I listened to that prompt to pray with him that morning instead of just hauling him out of the car.
Lux Ganzon says
I couldn’t count the times this real Superhero has saved me. A million times? Maybe more. 🙂
Kathryn says
Amen to that!
Mary Geisen says
Thank you for blessing me with these words today! God is the author of our stories and is definitely my super hero. What a perfect prayer to pray over your son that morning. Isaiah speaks powerfully of the strength and glory of God. Blessed you joined The a Weekend Brew.
Kathryn says
Glad these words spoke to you! love that my little boy is already learning this lesson that God is our hero and He’s the author of our stories.