I stood at the back of the stage, half singing, half observing the crowd in awe and wonder at how the Holy Spirit was flowing through the room that night. I’d just finished speaking at the opening night of a conference and my heart was full. I’d seen so many faces touched by the Spirit that night and now everyone was praising God through song. Then I saw her. Front row, center of the room, sitting down amidst of a sea standing, singing women. A deep struggle evident on her face. I wanted to go to her, talk to her, find out what was troubling her so, help her in some way.
I knew in that moment I couldn’t do anything more for her than pray. I stepped to the side, closed my eyes and began to pray for her. I prayed all through the song, begging God to break through in her heart and heal her struggle. I thanked God for bringing her there that night and asked Him to speak to her heart. She slipped out in the crowd and didn’t return the next day, but I’d spied her name tag and added her name to my prayer list. So, I kept praying.
I was reminded of this story as I sat down to make out my Christmas shopping list. We give all types of gifts to our loved ones. Practical and useful gifts – the ones we know they’ll surely need and find useful (like new towels, a kitchen appliance, or new gloves). Splurge gifts – ones we know they’d never spend money on, but they’d really love (like jewelry, perfume, or a massage). Fun gifts – the ones we know they’ll really enjoy (like a toy, an electronic gadget, or sporting equipment). Meaningful gifts – the ones that come from the heart, hold sentimental value, or are homemade with love (like a handmade blanket, a photo book, or special item passed down through the family).
These are all wonderful gifts that will no doubt be greatly appreciated on Christmas morning, but could they change someone’s life? Is there anything we can give that would be so significant? Something that could truly make a difference and have life-changing impact?
Add generous amounts of prayer to your Christmas list to give the best gifts of all
One of the best gifts we can give someone is our prayer. It doesn’t require any shopping, but it does require our focus and heart. Praying for someone is like rolling all the types of gifts into one.
The gift of prayer is practical and useful. We pray for healing for the hurting, comfort for the grieving, answers for the seeking, strength for the fearful, companions for the lonely, resources for the poor, guidance for the lost. Sure, our gifts of money, time, and material goods are useful and can provide needed resources, but God’s gifts in answer to these prayer can do far more.
The gift of prayer can fill a need someone didn’t even know they had. We pray for God to bless someone or help with an area where they’re struggling and sometimes He comes through in the most amazing, over-the-top ways. God’s miracles are usually more than we’d ever ask for, more than we’d ever imagine.
The gift of prayer is the most meaningful gift. What other gift can truly change someone’s life? When we pray for God to break through into someone’s heart, we’re praying for something life-changing. We’re praying for God to step in and lead that person to His path. When He does break through, what change He can work in someone’s life!
Give the gift of prayer this year
So, will you add prayer to your list of Christmas gifts this year? Pray over each person on your Christmas list. Pray over each gift you wrap, each Christmas card you address. Pray for the people you encounter as you shop – the woman working the register, the couple in line behind you, the children running through the store, the homeless man you passed on your way down the street.
Let’s make this a prayer-filled Christmas and ask God to bring His gifts this year. Ask God to multiply what we’re able to provide and give an even better gift to those around us.
If you’re looking for resources to go deeper with prayer or to share of prayer with someone in your life, may I recommend my “Pray Deep” devotional prayer books? Pray Deep is 21 days of prayer, exploring the nature of prayer through 20 different prayer methods. It will ignite your prayer life and expand your prayer language. Pray Deep for Advent is a daily devotional as you prepare your heart for Christmas.
{These are affiliate links – and my own books – so you’ll be helping sustain this blog if you purchase through them.}
Mary Geisen says
Beautiful, Kathryn! I have become more intentional with prayer in my own life and am finding that it makes all the difference. I also have been reading through your book, Pray Deep. Thank you for so many different prayer strategies that have been speaking into my life. Blessings!
Kathryn says
Thanks, Mary! I’m trying to find ways to keep prayer at the forefront, too – and want bring it more into my relationships and family this year.
loisflowers says
I love this, Kathryn, especially the part about the gift of prayer being practical and useful. What a great idea … to pray over each person on my gift list! I’m so glad I am your neighbor today at Purposeful Faith …
Kathryn Shirey says
It’s such a simple thing, but I don’t usually think to do it. Caught myself praying over some letters recently and was reminded that I should do the same in so many other areas.
betsydecruz says
Beautiful encouragement here, Kathryn! And one more practical idea to add prayer to our lives. I never thought to pray over people on my gift list. Great idea.
Kathryn Shirey says
It was a new thought to me, too, but what a simple way to add an extra blessing to each gift.
Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God says
What an obvious gift to give, yet I overlook it. I really need to be more intentional about praying for people this Christmas. I like the thought of praying over each person I send a Christmas card to or people I see scurrying about in the Christmas frenzy. Asking God, right now, to slow me down so that I may see the people who need my gift of prayer. Loved this post!
Kathryn Shirey says
I think you called out the key to it – slowing down!
Ifeoma Samuel says
Excellent, friend.
Prayer is one tool we can use this season to reach more lives.
Sweet Blessings to you Kathryn
Debby says
Stopping by from Holley Gerth’s link-up. Prayer is indeed the best gift we can offer or receive. Thank you for sharing what we often overlook.
Valerie Sisco at Grace with Silk says
Hi Kathryn,
Oh what a wonderful gift this is — the gift of prayer! I love this post for so many reasons — for your example of praying for a woman who caught your eye, and for recognizing the value of prayer in our lives! That is a true gift of hope. We can’t even understand sometimes how important prayer is in our lives! Love these words today.
Kathryn Shirey says
It was a real reminder to me to be more intentional about prayer and to realize how powerful prayer can be – even when we don’t know what God will do with it, when the recipient has no idea we’re praying for them, and when we’re not even sure what we’re praying for.
findingyourpossible says
So true and what a beautiful story to remind us of this truth. Thank you for pointing us in this direction!
bloggerlovestheking says
Beautiful Kathryn. I love praying over each person I gift, but I also find myself praying for all my Facebook friends, every student in my classes I sub. I love your thoughts.
Kathryn Shirey says
I love those ideas! What a beautiful habit to create to pray over each person we encounter!
sarahgirl3 says
Prayer really is a gift, one that I overlook. Thanks for the reminder!
mbethany says
This is such a wonderful idea, Kathryn!! Thank you!
Michele Morin says
What a tremendous way of thinking about prayer, Kathryn! Often I make resolutions about prayer at the beginning of a year, but have never considered it as a “gift” before. What an amazing gift it is!
Dawn Boyer says
What a beautiful reminder of the best of gifts to give to others, and ultimately ourselves. Prayer has a way of enriching both recipients lives exponentially. My heart was lifted just reading your story.
Blessings to you!
Kathryn says
It truly does enrich both lives – ours and those we pray for. I sat down and prayed over each of my Christmas cards this year and what initially seemed like an overwhelming effort turned into the biggest blessing. I spent time thinking about each of my friends and family – some I haven’t seen in ages, people from all parts of my life. I named them all, their kids, and prayed over whatever I knew about their lives. Brought some joy into the Christmas card process.
Carrie says
I love this idea of a Christmas prayer list! Yes, I’ll add it this year! Thank you for motivating me 🙂