It was a basic logistical detail we overlooked. Something we should have – could have – caught weeks earlier. Instead, here we were an hour before the closing session, scrambling to change our plans and venue. The plan was to hold the final session in the multi-purpose room instead of the sanctuary, where we’d had the other main sessions. However, as we started to prepare the room for the closing session, we realized we didn’t have enough chairs. Not just short by a few, but by a lot! Enough that we should have realized days ago this site wouldn’t work.
We quickly formulated a plan B while the small groups were still having their final session. One of our earlier ideas for this session had been to gather around the altar in prayer, but that idea had been dropped somewhere along the way. Instead, we planned to light candles as we sang a closing song.
We should have known the day before God had other plans for this session when we couldn’t find candles to use. Now this chair fiasco. The conference had been so carefully planned, scripted almost to the minute. Yet here was God telling us to put down the script and trust Him for this final session. So, we did.
We moved the closing session to the sanctuary and our speaker let the Holy Spirit lead.
Unscripted. Unplanned. Unhurried.
It was beautiful and moving and I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room with us that afternoon.
And, we did gather the women around the altar rail. Kneeling together in worship and we sang “It Only Takes A Spark” a cappella. One of the most powerful moments I experienced that weekend.
It only takes a spark, to get a fire going.
And soon all those around, can warm up it it’s glowing
That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it, it’s fresh like spring, you want to sing, you want to pass it on.
That afternoon, I learned a lesson in how we are equipped by the Holy Spirit. How He can use even our mistakes to bring His plans to life. How even when we think we know it all and have everything under control, He can still break through and bring us under His control.
When we tune into the Holy Spirit, we can expect Him to equip us at the exact right time.
The Holy Spirit didn’t step in to guide us days earlier; He stepped in just when we needed Him – an hour before the session started. While we thought it was cutting things a bit close, we did have plenty of time to make necessary adjustments, but not so much time we over-thought the plans.
As we step out in obedience, we can trust in the Holy Spirit to guide us, prepare us and equip us.
So, take that leap of faith, even if you don’t feel fully equipped; even if you haven’t worked out all the details. Lean into His guidance and see where He will take you. It just might be even better than what you imagined.
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This post is part of a 4 week series about the Holy Spirit. Click HERE to catch up on other posts in this series.
This series will look at topics such as:
– Inviting the Holy Spirit to begin working within us
– How to listen for the Holy Spirit
– What it means to obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit
– How obedience is linked to trust
– How the Holy Spirit equips us, even when we don’t feel qualified
– What impact we can have in the world when we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit
Linking with: #SpiritualWhitespace, #TellHisStory, Thought Provoking Thursday, The Weekend Brew, #GiveMeGrace
aljung72 says
I love your encouragement here to take the leap of faith even if you don’t feel equipped. Perhaps that is when His power is made known the most. Blessings…
Kathryn says
I think you’re right – His power IS made known the most when He equips us where we feel least capable.
Trudy Den Hoed says
Thanks for this encouragement, Kathryn. I love the reminder that the Holy Spirit will equip us at exactly the right time.
Kathryn says
Yes – I kept asking for Him to equip me in advance, but somehow that never seemed to happen 🙂 Only after I took the first step and the timing was right.
Renee says
As we step out in obedience we can trust the Holy Spirit to guide us…….I am holding on to these words. Great post about how God works out His plan even in spite of us! Ha…your step of faith gives us all courage.
Kathryn says
For a time I felt like the path before me was completely hidden, so I just told God I’m going to take this step and then this step – and trust that You’re big enough to change my direction if I stepped off the right path.