Ready to Develop a Daily Prayer Habit You'll Love (and keep)?
Through this 5-day, email-delivered mini-course, you'll develop a plan for developing a lasting daily prayer habit that will unlock the power of prayer in your life.
- Get clear on WHY daily prayer is a priority in your life.
- Define WHEN and WHERE you'll pray, finding time you didn't know you had in your busy schedule.
- Outline HOW you'll get started, so you'll be ready to make the most of your time.
Develop a prayer habit you'll love (and keep)!
Want to experience more power in your prayer life? Wish you could be more consistent in daily prayer, but you just don’t have the time?
Too often prayer and quiet with God get pushed to the side in our busy lives. Yet, daily time with God is what you need MOST to avoid overwhelm, stress, and worry.
Prayer provides comfort, strength, and guidance for your life,
so why aren’t you making time for it?