CRASH! I took off running across the street. Everything had been going so well. The kids were riding bicycles in the street with neighbor friends. I was trying my best to foster independence in them and not hover over this activity, even though at 4 and 6 I still don’t trust them riding in the street. I was just out of sight on the front porch, watching them from behind the bushes and scanning the street for cars.
Then I heard the crash and saw my little boy tumble off his bicycle. He had ridden at full speed, straight into a parked car. I’m usually the mom who says “get back up, shake it off” when my kids gets scrapes and little boo boos, but this sounded bad. I took off running across the street to see how badly he was hurt.
Thankfully, he was wearing a helmet and had only some minor scrapes. The bike came away with a few dings, but no apparent dents on the car. He was lucky this time.
As part of the safety lesson that followed, I suggested he try riding slower, especially around the cars. He replied, “Mommy, my bike only has one speed – FAST!” Never has there been a truer statement about this boy. He doesn’t seem to know the meaning of slow; only full steam ahead.
Don’t we often use similar excuses in our lives? We live our lives in single speed, not fully using or appreciating all the speeds we’ve been given.
Our life is a 10-speed bicycle, but too often we only ride in one gear.
My “bicycle” only has a BUSY speed. Most days I don’t sit still until I go to bed at night. Rushing in the morning to get everyone fed, dressed and off to school. Then a full day at work. In the evenings, it’s playing with the kids, helping with homework, going to various sports practices, keeping up with chores.
I find myself using “I’m busy” as my go-to excuse. I get so caught up in the “doing,” that I don’t make time for the “being.”
Recently I caught myself getting hyper-focused on my to-do list, all the ideas I have for things to do, all the next steps I’m planning to take. Then I realized I hadn’t taken time to check in with God about any of these plans. Are these really in line with His plans for my life, where He’s calling me? I’ve been so focused on the “doing” that I’ve let my time with Him take a backseat.
It happens with the kids, too. “No, I can’t play a game right now. Can’t you see I’m busy cleaning the kitchen, answering some work emails, paying bills?”
Does your bicycle, your life, have only one speed? What is it? Busy, sick, tired, grieving? What is it that keeps you from using the other speeds? Spending quality time with loved ones? Checking that you’re on the right path? Accomplishing the items on your to-do list? Taking caution that you’re not about to run your life into a brick wall (or parked car)?
Father, Help us live into the full richness of this life you’ve given us. We weren’t made to operate at only one speed, whether fast or slow. You made us more complex than that. Help us identify our excuses and set them aside so we can take time to sit still with You, then get busy with tasks You lay before us. Some to be addressed with fast or busy urgency and others tackled with slow and steady focus. Help us know when to speed up and when to slow down and take caution. Amen.
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Linking with: Wednesday Prayer Girls, Coffee For Your Heart, #TellHisStory, Thought-Provoking Thursday, The Weekend Brew, Give Me Grace
Carmen says
Oh my goodness! I do move in one speed most of the time. Thank you for reminding me that I am made for more than that. Great post! May God richly bless your ministry. ~~Carmen~~
Kathryn says
Thanks, Carmen! Trying to remind myself to slow down – practice what I preach to my little man. Ha!
Kelley says
Really?! I’m having that “she wrote this post specifically for me” thing again! You know the one speed that I go at and I need to downshift now before I go flying off a cliff. You bless me!
Kathryn says
Love it! Slow down – we don’t want you going over that cliff 🙂
sarahgirl3 says
Yes! I want to live at all the speeds, frequencies, and levels I am meant to! What a great parallel. 🙂
Dolly Lee (@SoulStops) says
What a great analogy and reminder of the importance of slowing down to hear form God…Thank you 🙂 Visiting from Lyli’s blog….P.S. Glad your son wasn’t seriously hurt.
Kathryn says
Me too! Wish he could find his “slow” speed sometimes 🙂
Barbie says
I’ve been living life in the fast lane for too long. Although, trying to get off the road and take a much needed breath is hard. Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Brew!
Kathryn says
Me too! I have as much trouble slowing down as my little boy does!
Pat Baer says
What a great post Kathryn. You sound like a terrific mom. I loved the picture of you darting behind bushes keeping a close eye on your son without his knowledge. What an appropriate image to have as we evaluate our personal habits and speed settings – I imagine our Heavenly Father is close by ready to clean our skinned knees as he teaches us the 10-speed lifestyle he’s designed us to live.
Thanks for sharing your life here.
Kathryn says
Thanks, Pat! I like to imagine God is our protective Father, too. Hiding just out of sight, but ready to swoop in when we call on Him for help.
GrandmaBeckyL says
Yes, there are various speeds of life and sometimes I think I’m just going in circles, one week flows into another…..speed gear 7! What did I accomplish this past week, I ask myself? We need to slow down and give time to Jesus, read His word. Make our lives count for Him, daily. Good thoughts!!
Kathryn says
Love that – “going in circles”! That sums up so much of my life – ha! That’s what happens when I pick my own route and destination, instead of listening for God’s direction.
lisha epperson says
Yes, I guess I’m guilty of operating on busy ALL. THE. TIME. By his grace I’m learning to slow down and more importantly be intentional about every thing I commit to. Thanks for reminding me to slow down. Such a good word for Monday morning and thanks for linking up at #GiveMeGrace
Kathryn says
Yes, I think the key to slowing down is being intentional about prioritizing our time and what we say “yes” to. So much easier to say than do!
Sandra says
Oh so true for so many of us. Since I have had a Tyroid problem I have had a problem getting re-energized and into a faster speed. We just get caught up in the way we have been and it takes a real change to get us shifted – well me anyway. Dropping in from “Give me Grace”
Kathryn Shirey says
Thanks for stopping by! I find myself getting stuck in different speeds in different seasons of my life – some slow, some busy. You’re right – it usually takes a real change to get us shifted and balanced. A challenge for sure!