Summer came to an official end yesterday. We spent this weekend soaking up the last bits of summer sun, swimming at the pool, and playing with friends. How was your Labor Day weekend?
With the end of summer comes the start of school, fall sports seasons, and a renewed focus back on the work of life. Summer is that season where we all take a little break from the intensity and focus. The season for rest and renewal. Even if you didn’t dip your feet into the water or walk on a sandy beach, hopefully you did take time this summer to relax a bit.
We take vacations from school, our jobs, the everyday routines, the stresses of “real life”, but did you also find yourself taking a vacation from God this summer? I often do. With most churches also taking a summer break to recharge before the fall programming season, you may not have had your regular Bible study or small group. With the kids home all summer, you may not have had your quiet time for prayer and reading. With vacations, camps, and other irregular schedules you may have fallen out of your habits of regular time with God.
So, how can we get back into our habits and start off this next season on the right foot? As we begin to refocus on school and work, let’s also refocus on our relationship with God. Below are 3 ways to renew your faith this fall:
1) Schedule time with God on your calendar.
I spent much of this past week sorting out the family calendar for the fall. Adding in key dates from the kids’ school calendars, game days for soccer and softball, and scheduling other activities. The weeks are already looking alarmingly full (and that doesn’t include my work calendar!).
If you’re also calendar-driven, add appointments on your calendar for your time with God. Putting this time in writing will give you that extra accountability and reminder. Don’t just put down your small group or Bible study time, but also add time daily for you and God to meet as you work through the week’s Bible study topics or just to catch up in prayer.
2) Get into God’s word.
The Bible probably wasn’t on your summer reading list or in your beach bag, but this fall season is a great time to open its pages again. Join a Bible study, start a reading program ( has some great ones – even an app for your phone), or just get into its pages each day. We need God’s words to speak to our souls and guide our hearts. Even just a few verses a day can be invaluable. Make a plan now on how to incorporate more of God’s word into your daily routine. If you’re already in the habit of daily Bible reading, consider changing your approach or choose a different Bible translation to add a new perspective.
3) Renew your conversation with God in prayer.
You probably didn’t completely take a vacation from prayer, but did you ease up from the conversation this summer? Renew your relationship with God this fall by committing to more regular prayer. Not just the on-the-run prayers or the Sunday-morning-in-church prayers. Those are great, but God wants more from us. He wants us to truly spend time with Him, sharing our lives, our concerns, and our dreams. He wants us to also spend time listening to Him, allowing Him to enter the conversation to comfort, encourage, and guide us. The Pray Deep page here is full of ideas and resources to help you renew those conversations with God in prayer.
What are other ways you’re getting back into your spiritual habits this fall?
If you’re looking for a way to reconnect with God this fall, my devotional prayer journal, Pray Deep, is a 21-day focus on prayer, with each day guiding you through a different prayer topic or type of prayer. As you explore these prayers and spend time with God, you’ll find the ways you connect best with Him in prayer. You’ll discover old favorites as well as new ideas to spark and enliven your prayer life. Click HERE to learn more.
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Karen Brown says
A great list here! It’s a busy time of the year and I could easily get my priorities wrong if I’m not intentional about it. Thanks for the great reminders. I’m definitely calendar driven and it’s so important to guard my time – so that I don’t get too busy – so life doesn’t get too noisy for me to hear God’s voice. Thanks for sharing!
Kathryn says
I definitely needed these reminders! This time of year gets so busy and I know I need to be intentional and focused.
kristine says
This is so true. As we abandon our schedules for summer, sometimes our time with God gets lost in the midst of it all. I can always tell when September arrives that I’m hungry for more time with God, and ready to get back into a routine! All great points here, Kathryn!
Kathryn says
Me too! I hadn’t realized what a ‘vacation’ I’d taken until I took time again to get into His word and sit in prayer – then I knew I had to be more intentional this fall and renew my habits.
Mary Geisen says
You are right that summer break also can naturally bring a break from God. I get out of my routine of going to church because I am out of town some weekends and then it’s hard to get back on track. I have learned this summer that I needed to rework my mornings so I have worked on beginning with some music and then I am intentional about seeking to read God’s word. I have just added a breath prayer to my daily routine. Taking one verse from scripture and saying it throughout the week. I know the bonus will be the memorization of the verses too. Thank you for the great list.
Kathryn says
We, too, stopped going to church regularly this summer due to vacations and other summer activities. Trying to get all of us back into better habits now that school has started. Now that I’m not driving anyone to daycare (they can both ride bikes to school now), I have my morning commute back and realized I can listen to the Bible while I drive. Little things, but trying to readjust and refocus.
Lauren Beasley says
Thank you for the encouragement! This is a really good list & reminder that we need to be staying in constant fellowship with our Lord. After seeing War Room, I’ve been so very convicted to renew my conversation with God in prayer.
In Him,
Lauren | Grace, Faith, & Glitter blog
Kathryn says
I’ve been hearing a lot about that movie lately – need to see it! If you’re looking for a way to renew your conversation with God through prayer, check out my new Pray Deep prayer journals. Try a 21-day prayer series to guide you through a variety of ways to connect to God through prayer. May be just what you need to reinvigorate your prayer life. Thanks for stopping by!
Rachel Britton says
My summer was really busy. Reading your post reminded me how much my soul longs to get back to spending more time with God. Thank you.
Kathryn says
Glad you were encouraged!
Beth Willis Miller says
Kathryn, what a great post with such terrific reminders about our need for structure, schedules, and time set aside to dig deep in God’s Word as we seek His Face in prayer. Many blessings to you!
elizabeth959803 says
Yes to all this fall! 🙂 In answer to your question, one way I can’t wait to get back into my spiritual habits is to start up women’s Bible study again at church…year #10 kicks off in two weeks, thanks be to God! Thank you for sharing this…stopping by from Coffee & Conversation!
Kathryn says
Oh how I miss my women’s Bible study group! Haven’t been able to make it in quite a few years, but how it always fed my soul.
findingyourpossible says
It’s so true, anytime I get out of routine, my consistency in spending time with God slips. On one hand I crave have a break from a routine, but on the other hand it can really get me off track! Thanks for your post, it is the perfect time to be renewing our faith!
Kathryn says
I’m the same way, I need a break from the routine and daily grind, but it’s so hard to get back into those good habits. Needed this reminder myself!
betsydecruz says
Thanks for the reminder to get back into God as we get back into fall routines, Kathryn! You’ve reminded me that I need to get back into a Bible study. I was thinking I didn’t have time for a Bible study group, but perhaps I really do need to make time for that in my schedule. May the Lord bless your Pray Deep book!
Kathryn says
I would love to find time to rejoin a Bible study – one of these days… but trying to get my prayer and study habits back in line after falling out of routines over the summer.
pamecrement says
Looks like a great list! I especially love the reminder to put the appointment on my calendar. Doing that on my phone with an alert is a great reminder. I use the You Version app on my phone and i Pad and get an email reminder. That helps as well!
Kathryn says
Definitely need calendar appointments and reminders to stay on track – I live by the calendar!
Holly Barrett says
Three basic but necessary ways to renew our faith, Kathryn. Fall is a great time to reboot our faith, isn’t it? I especially appreciate the reminder to schedule the time with God. If we don’t, it’s too easy to let the day pass by without even thinking about it.
Sue Detweiler (@SueDetweiler) says
This is a great reminder! Thanks!
Nannette and The Sweetheart says
Wonderful list Kathryn! I need to ignite my prayer life. Saw War Room the other night and don’t want to just talk about the movie but apply that kind of excitement and dedication to going to WAR in prayer! Blessings. ♥
Sarah Koontz, Writer says
I have been writing on more spiritual topics lately, which forces me to make sure I’ve got my own spiritual life in order. I am loving the intimacy that comes from the time I spend wrestling with God over the perfect words to speak the truth he has placed on my heart.
Ginger Harrington says
Fall is a great time to reset habits, attitudes, and routines that have relaxed over the summer. I’m working on that in various areas of my life. Love this topic for a post. So nice to visit your blog today from Grace and Truth.
Barbie says
I’ve been in a little bit of a rut this summer when it comes to spiritual disciplines. I look forward to making some new commitments in this new season.
denise says
very inspiring
Ifeoma Samuel says
Awesome Kathryn. I love these ideas. Also checking out your pray deep page too.
Thanks friend for these beautiful words.
Blessings to you