I didn’t recognize the number calling me. Usually, I’d let it go to voicemail, but inexplicably this day I answered it. As the voice on the other end began to talk, my heart sank. A cold-call from a vendor. The very reason I usually let my calls go to voicemail. I nearly hung up as he began to talk about looking at my profile on LinkedIn. Then, he said he’d read one of my posts I’d shared to my profile there. He began to talk about how much it moved him and how he heard God speak to him through those words.
Oh… Glad I didn’t hang up on him… Clearly this call was a divine appointment God arranged that morning.
Yet, even as I continued in the conversation, I found myself freezing up to talk about faith. My two worlds were mingling – my corporate IT work world crossing over with my faith-sharing writing world. I’ve always tried to keep some separation between work and personal, to maintain my professionalism at work, and put certain boundaries around each area of my life. So, talking about faith at work isn’t something that comes naturally to me.
I actually work with a lot of faith-filled people. My team regularly prays for each other. Co-workers lead a weekly Bible study over lunch. Some of my colleagues of other religious backgrounds will openly engage in conversations to better understand each of our religions. So, why is it so hard to break down these walls we build to compartmentalize the areas of our lives? Why do I so often feel like I need to keep my religious life cordoned off? After all, my faith is core to who I am…
12 Ways to Share Your Faith at Work
How can you better share your faith at work – even if your workplace isn’t as welcoming to statements of faith? Below are some ideas I’ve found to bring more of my faith into the workplace. I’d love to hear what other ideas you have in the comments below!
Start with prayer
Incorporate prayer into your workday and allow God to work through you from there.
1) Pray before you begin the day, perhaps even before you get out of the car to walk inside. Pause in your car for a moment to pray over the day ahead. Pray during your commute as you make your way to work. As you sit down at your desk, pray before you start your day. Ask God to be in the workplace with you, to guide your work that day, and to show you the divine appointments he has set for you that day.
2) Pray for your co-workers. Add them to your prayer list. Consider prayer walking through your office. Cover your office in prayer, even if no one knows you’re doing it.
3) If you’re a teacher, pray over your students. Prayer walk through their desks before they arrive in the morning. Pray over them as you grade their papers.
4) Do a virtual prayer walk through your calendar and inbox. Pray over everyone you will encounter that day, especially the ones who are the most difficult.
Use conversation-starters
5) Put a cross or Bible verse on your desk. When anyone asks about it, be ready to share what it means to you. I made this Bible verse ‘tree’ for my desk with key verses I needed as reminders throughout my day. It filled my spirit each day and was a great conversation starter.
6) If you’re using your lunch break for Bible study, leave your Bible and study guide on your desk during the day. Be open to discuss what you’re studying and why it’s important to you if the opportunity arises.
7) Use a bible verse or quote as your screensaver.
8) Wear something to show your faith or start a conversation – a piece of jewelry, a pin, or a shirt (if allowed). While I can’t wear printed t-shirts to work, I do often wear shirts with Bible verses or prayer quotes as I run errands on the weekend or cheer on my kids at their sporting events. Kerusso has some super-cute t-shirts that I love! (affiliate link)
Seek out others who are open to faith conversations
9) Start a Bible study over lunch once a week. Book a conference room for your lunch meeting or go out to eat together. This can be a wonderful experience, bringing together people of different faith traditions to share and study God’s word.
10) Schedule a lunch or coffee break with someone you meet who is open to conversations of faith. Use this as a time to get to know each other on a deeper level and be a support to each other. Ask about her faith journey and how you can pray for her. Share your own story.
Step into the conversation as God opens doors for you
11) When you hear of a coworker having a rough time (sick child, death in the family, or other struggles), offer to pray for them. Work up to offering to pray with them there in the moment.
12) If a conversation takes a turn towards faith, be ready to step into that conversation. Relax the walls you may have up to separate your work life and personal life. Allow the Spirit move through you and guide your words.
How will you bring more of your faith into your workplace?
Whether you work in a corporate office, in a school, in retail, serve in a volunteer position, or work from home, you likely have opportunities each day to interact with people. How can you bring more Jesus into those interactions? What will you try this week to share your faith at work?
Jackie York says
I am a nurse in a mental health clinic. This is something I always would like to talk about with my patients, but am very apprehensive about doing so. I do pray for my co-workers as well as my patients, they just don’t know it. I am a new Christian as well so that in itself makes all this difficult for me to grasp. I’m not sure how to do this without being out of line.